The Warrior
By: Josh Grossguth
My leg began to go numb. I could
feel the cold steel penetrate deep into my upper thigh. Grabbing the top of the blade there was no
pulling this bad boy out. It must have been in 3-4 inches. Screaming in agony I
looked for help. “Johnny” I heard a faint scream in the distance. Ruble, ash
and soot was falling from the sky. The atmosphere had turned a deep orange with
flares bursting off like shooting stars.
The rubble was all over the place and I was trapped in between to concrete
slabs. “Johnny are you ok?”
looked up at my fellow ally, Sir captain Boner! “ “ Captain! Captain! My leg! It’s
too deep! I can’t get it out!” Sir Boner quickly
grabbed the 10 inch blade that gored Johnnies leg and said “Hold On! Its gonna sting
a little!” I held my breath as Sir Captain Boner began to yank on the blade! “Hold
On! I almost got it” As he yanked harder
I could feel the blade had penetrated bone. “Hold On Here it comes” Sir Captain
Boner kept pulling the behemoth but it dare not moved.
Captain Boner Looked me right in the eyes with pupils of concern and left. “
Boner I screamed! Boner come Back, Don’t
go!” The pain was excruciating at this level. Falling into a coma or
passing out from blood loss seem imminent.
There was only one thing to do!
Vast from
the explosions I remembered I had my iPhone on me! I quickly pulled up my
favorite porno! “ AHhh Valerie Kay” moaning in pain. I quickly Popped a Boner
and Used my enlarged boner to pull the knife out and set me Free! “ Free, Free,
Free at last!” I knew my plan would work. It was all so simple.
captain Boner came running back only to find Johnny gone and a trail of blood
left behind. “ Johhny, Where are you?!” He screamed! “Whats this?” The captain
only found the iPhone and the knife left behind wedge in-between the concrete
slabs. He knew then that his Jonnie boy
was and would be alright! As the captain muttered under his breath and fled the
battle zone he said “ That’s my Johhny, That’s my Johnny!”