Mr. Sandman
Josh Grossguth
So there I was, it was all so sudden! My eyelids pried open
from the green gooey cement in the morning! I quickly smashed my alarm clock,
pushing the snooze button. As I twisted out of bed and put both feet onto the
ground I felt began to feel lightheaded as the blood rushed to my feet. I stood
up and became dizzy stumbling all over the place, eventually tumbling over and smacking
my head against the dresser droor! OUCH!
That woke me up but it was long before I would be going back to sleep!
turned my head and saw the MR. One and only come flying though my window. He
was purple and trickling magic dust off him. His muscular body and white rob
made him look like a God or something. He had a gold belt around his waist and
toga sandals on with feathers that layed out the back of them like a sporty Nike
swoosh. “It couldn’t be! It Was! Mr. mr m mmm mR. MR SANDMAN!” I stuttered. He
came flying in whistling Mr. sandman, bring me a dream, make him the cutest
that I’ve ever seen…” As I stood there in shock and this massive 7ft purple god
before me he Roared “GO BACK TO BED!”
The sandman didn’t seem so friendly and I saw that he meant business. “You
Must Go Back to bed” He said. He flung some golden purple magic dust at me and
within 5 seconds I was knocked the fuck out!